stabilità dei pendii
stabilità dei pendii
Analisi di stabilità dei versanti all’equilibrio limite – M. Berti
Field monitoring and real time management of debris flows – M. Arattano, L. Marchi, R. Genevois, M. Berti, A. Simoni, P.R.Tecca, M. Bonte
Ground anchors and anchored systems – U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA
Hollow-core soil nails. State of the practice – U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA
L’analisi e la perimetrazione delle aree di possibile propagazione crolli – Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano – Alto Adige
Linee guida per la stabilizzazione delle frane e strategie di mitigazione del rischio – P. Canuti, G. Menduni
Metodi di studio di frane lente o a cinematica intermittente – D. Guida
Modification and statistical analysis of the Colorado rockfall hazard rating system – Colorado Department of Transportation
Natural and artificial slopes and general slope stability concepts – M. Favaretti
Rockfall catchment area, design guide – Oregon Department of Transportation and FHWA
Rockfall hazard rating system – FHWA
Slope stability – USACE
Stabilità degli scavi in terreni fini – M. Berti
Stability and run-off conditions; Guidelines for detailed investigation of slopes and torrents in till and coarse-grained sediments – SWEDISH GEOTECHNICAL INSTITUTE
Stability charts for rock slopes based on the Hoek–Brown failure criterion – A.J. Li, R.S. Merifield, A.V. Lyamin
The determination of soil strength for a stability analysis – T.W. Lambe
The Landslide Handbook; A Guide to Understanding Landslides – USGS